In one case study, we analyzed the retention rates and purchase volume of both Verb CRM app users and non-app users over a 6-month period and discovered an enormous distinction in outcomes.
If a Business Builder downloads and begins using the app within the first month of their activity, their average PV increases significantly by 150% and their retention rate skyrockets to more than 30x compared to those who don't use the app - both extremely compelling results.
In this case study, a group of app subscribers sent out 300+ samples to a group of prospects. The beta group enjoyed a conversion rate of over 16%, with an extremely high average order. Here are the key results:
Other Verb Tech clients have reported conversion rates as high as
A recent A-B test demonstrated the massive power of interactive video for increasing sales and enrollment conversions. We compared two email marketing campaigns - one using a basic video and one using an interactive video, and the results showed a 1.010% increase in conversion rates!